Scalability Strategy
In-Depth strategy:
Exhaust the low-hanging fruits of vertical scaling before attempting a horizontal scaling strategy
Indexes, algorithmic improvements, caching, CDN / geographical replication, etc.
Reverse proxy, serving static files, load balancing
Message Queue
Not implemented yet. Using AWS SQS or RabbitMQ to handle expected growth (KISS).
K/V store for caching database queries, HTTP API response. Considered varnish for storing HTTP responses. Planning on using Redis Sentinel before Redis Cluster.
Django replication
- Pool of gunicorn workers load balanced by nginx.
Postgres Replication
Master slave replication.
Denormalize first based on EXPLAIN ANALYZE
on indexes and queries.
Implement sharding, federation later.
Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)
Push CDN: Receives new content whenever changes occur onto the server Pull CDN: Grabs new content from the server when the first user requests content
Microservices architecture
Current best practice is to implement code as “monolithic modules” which can be easily converted to microservices later ONLY IF REQUIRED. Avoiding HTTP overhead.