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Style Guide


  • snake_case
  • BACKEND API DESIGN DOCUMENT: I'm following these design guidelines as a rule of thumb. Use your best judgement when applying these to the revelant problems!
    • includes sources and discussion on where the design guidelines should apply
    • Predictability
      • Rule #1: Every endpoint should tell a story
      • Rule #2: Keep business logic in services
      • Rule #3: Make services the locus of reusability
      • Rule #4: Always sanitize user input, sometimes save raw input, always escape output
      • Rule #5: Don't split files by default & never split your URLs file
    • Readability
      • Rule #6: Each variable's type or kind should be obvious from its name
      • Rule #7: Assign unique names to files, classes, and functions
      • Rule #8: Avoid *args and **kwargs in user code
      • Rule #9: Use functions, not classes
      • Rule #10: There are exactly 4 types of errors that a REST API can return
    • Simplicity
      • Rule #11: URL parameters are a scam
      • Rule #12: Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration.
      • Rule #13: Treat unit tests as a specialist tool
      • Rule #14: Use serializers responsibly, or not at all
      • Rule #15: Write admin functionality as API endpoints
    • Upgradability
    • Rule #16: Your app lives until your dependencies die
    • Rule #17: Keep logic out of the front end
    • Rule #18: Don't break core dependencies1
  • Hungarian notation
  • Foreign Key fields either are the name of the model they reference or have an _id suffix
  • Using Python Black


  • camelCase
  • Prettier
  • Atomic Design (React Native)